Use HotelCoins® to trade your hotel rooms
with hotel professionals worldwide
Earn HotelCoins
Advertise your available rooms and earn HotelCoins as payment for reservations made by other HotelSwaps members.
Transfer HotelCoins
Transfer your hotel's HotelCoins to anybody of your choice - employees, suppliers, friends, family or even yourself.
Book rooms with HotelCoins
Use HotelCoins to pay for stays at any other hotel member – either from instant availability or request of specific dates.
Why should my hotel join?

Hotel owner benefit
Use HotelCoins to pay for your own hotel reservations, or share them with family and friends.

Business travel savings
Book free business travel accommodation for yourself and your hotel staff.

Increased revenues
Earn revenues from HotelSwaps guests in F&B and other services at your hotel.

Trade with suppliers
Use your HotelCoins to pay leading hospitality suppliers for a variety of services.

Employee rewards
Offer HotelCoins as a cost-effective way to recognise your key hotel executives.

HotelCoin brokerage
Earn revenues from selling excess HotelCoins to other HotelSwaps members.

Channel Managers
Manage your availability and reservations with SiteMinder or D-EDGE.

Instant availability
Book instantly from all rooms advertised by other hotel members.

Choice of destinations
Pay with HotelCoins for stays at any member hotel no matter which member stays at your hotel.
What our members say about us

We have used HotelSwaps over the past years to save on business travel for our heads of sales and we generate additional revenues in our restaurants, spa and room service in low and mid season.

Being able to book from immediate availability has also pleased executive staff from my team I decided to reward with HotelCoins.
I save €200-€1000 per night on every booking I make. I would highly recommend HotelSwaps to any other hotel owner or General Manager.

We do a competition among our 6 hotels every year. The team that wins gets a reward in HotelCoins. The GM distributes the HotelCoins in December the day after our staff party. Everyone gets enough for a free getaway in any hotel of the network.
We also used to organise barter ourselves directly with a couple of hotels. Now we can use their HotelCoins to book at almost 400 hotels.
We have rewarded our staff the last 3 years and are accumulating HotelCoins for next December rewards already.